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发布时间:2023-04-30 18:00:20来源:
1、 As long as the road is right, you are not afraid of the road. As long as the road is right, you are not afraid of the road.
2、 生活就像爬山,你必须一步一步来。人生就像爬山,一步一步来。
3、 勇敢的人是他最好的朋友。如果你勇敢,你就是你最好的朋友。
4、 Whether you succeed or fail, you depend on yourself. Whether you succeed or fail, you must stick to it on your own.
5、 不要让舒适偷走我们的活力。不要让我们生活的舒适。
6、 If you are ambitious, you will not be old, but if you are not ambitious, you will live for hundreds of years.
7、 只有不讨人喜欢的斧头,没有劈不开的柴火。只有一把坏斧子,没有劈柴。
8、 你比那些躺在坟墓里的人更有希望!你比躺在坟墓里的人更好!
9、 Success is not an important thing, it is important to work hard. Success is not an important thing, it is important to work hard.
10、 选择你爱的,爱你选择的。选择你爱的,爱你选择的。
11、 Passion and desire can break through all difficulties.
12、 往往是最后一把钥匙开门。往往是最后一把开门的钥匙。
13、 If you are determined to succeed, you must be your own king. You must be your own king and be determined to succeed.
14、 If you want to dig a well, you should dig until the water comes out. If you want to dig a well, you should dig until the water comes out.
15、 The secret of success lies in the persistence of goals. The secret of success lies in the constant pursuit of goals.
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