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发布时间:2023-04-19 16:48:44来源:
1、 Ugliness caused by lack of self-discipline is not worthy of sympathy.
2、 The gentleness of the world is late kindness and cleanliness, and the gentleness of your world is late kindness and cleanliness.
3、 闹钟响了,你就继续响,生活中的事情就一拖再拖。如果闹钟响了并且一直响,
4、 things in life will be delayed agAIn and again.
5、 May you have the ability to buy flowers and the charm of being sent flowers. May you have the ability to buy flowers and the charm of flowers.
6、 愿你一生幸福,储存十吨爱。祝你生活幸福,拯救十吨爱。
7、 不开心的时候,加上快乐,减去抑郁。当你不开心的时候,你加上快乐,减去沮丧。
8、 今天的悲伤结束了,明天你就要忙着开心了。今天的悲伤变成这篇文章,明天你要忙着开心。
9、 Everything has cracks. That's where light comes in. Everything has cracks. That's where the light comes in.
10、 知识可能会被能力所取代,但知识中的谈吐和气质是什么都取代不了的。知识可能被能力所取代,
11、 but nothing can replace the talk and temPErament in knowledge.
12、 在以后的日子里,希望你永远年轻,面朝星空,面朝大海,大放异彩。在未来的日子里,愿你永远年轻,面向海洋,
13、 Give off dazzling light.
14、 优雅是我们乘风破浪不畏岁月的力量和信心。
15、 Elegance is our strength and confidence to ride the wind and waves without fear of time.
16、 你私下的每一次努力,都隐藏在未来的每一个惊艳时刻。
17、 Every effort you make in private is hidden in every amazing time in the future.
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