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发布时间:2023-04-19 16:37:13来源:
1、 你认为你可以,你可以。如果你认为你能,你就能。
2、 浪费时间就是在掠夺自己。浪费时间就是在掠夺自己。
3、 Aim at your goal and do it hard. Start from scratch and go forward!
4、 Take control of your own destiny. Fate is in your own hands.
5、 More optimistic! It's not the end of the world. Be optimistic! It's not the end of the world.
6、 不要趴下。事情最终会解决的。不要失望,事情最后总会解决的。
7、 Hold on! Hang in there! Victory will eventually belong to you. Hang in there, and the victory will finally belong to you.
8、 Life is full of trial and error. One failure doesn't mean you are out. Life is full of trial and error.
9、 一次失败并不意味着你出局了.
10、 抬起你的下巴。一切都会好的。昂首挺胸(不要气馁)。一切都会好的。
11、 不要因为一次回答,就放弃你决心要达到的目的。不要因为一次失败,就放弃你决心要达到的目标。
12、 Time can heal almost all wounds. If your wound has not healed, please wait a moment. Time will heal almost all wounds,
13、 1不是我的坚持,而是因为你为了你抛弃了我。不是我执着,而是你值得我为你执着。
14、 Learn to be yourself and gracefully let go of everything that doesn't belong to you. Learn to be yourself and gracefully let go of everything that doesn't belong to you.
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