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导读 大家好,小体来为大家解答以上的问题。put,on这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、题文put on什么意思?二、解答put on的用...



put on什么意思?


put on的用法1.dress oneself in穿戴He put his coat on hurriedly and ran out of the house.他匆忙穿上外套,冲出了屋子.2.turn on开He opened the door and put on the light.他开了门,打开了灯.3.pretend假装He was not really angry.He was putting it on.他并不真生气,他是假装的.4.present(a performance)上演The actor put on a fine performance.这位演员的表演非常精彩.The senior class put on a dance.高年级学生举行了一次舞会.5.gain(weight);increase增加(体重);增添;上涨She put on a lot of weight last winter.去年冬天她体重增加了很多.6.force acceptance of sth.on sb.强迫某人接收In those days various sorts of exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous levies were put on the people from time to time.那时候,不时有各种苛捐杂税加在人民的身上.Why do you put the blame on me?你为什么责怪我呢?7.deceive欺骗I don't believe you;you are just putting me on.我不相信你,你不过是在骗我.8.move forward(a clock or the hands of a clock)往前拨(钟表)He forgot to put the clock on last night.他昨晚忘了把钟往前拨了.The English people will put on their clocks one hour for summer time the day after tomorrow.英国人后天实行夏令时间,将把钟往前拨一小时.9.bet or risk money on sth.下…赌注Richard put on$5 and lost it all.理查德押了5美元,结果全输了




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